Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Joyous-The Word of Wisdom

Okay, I have fallen short with my blog, some for good reason, I got a job and worked, but that was April and May. My last post was January, when I launched the plan for a New Me and my plans to loose weight. That didn't happen. Depression really is a struggle for me and I was dealing with a lot of it during that time off.

I still have work to do, but am doing much better, especially if I do not talk about the things that were hurting me, that would only be digressing.

I wanted to write again and keep up with WHY I started this blog in the first place, to look past the negative things in my life and and focus on WHO I Am.

I AM a Beautiful, Compassionate, Creative, Joyous woman.
I AM also a LDS woman. And I would like to thank Sister Ann Dibb (President Monson's daughter) for putting an extra special spin on this. "I Know It, I Live It, I Love It." Her talk given at the October 2012 General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Plus Sister Julie Beck, former Relief Society General President "Mother's Who Know".

With this year we are studying the Doctrine and Covenants in sunday school and 2 weeks ago we had the lesson on The Word of Wisdom. I was nearly finish with the book The Word of Wisdom-A Modern Interpretation by John A. Widsoe and Leah D. Widsoe.

I have since finished it and am excited to share it.

When you think of the topic of the Word of Wisdom, what first comes to  mind? No coffee, tea, tobacco, alcohol?

It is true that that is a good part of it. Most people outside of the church point those things out when they talk about mormons. But that is not all what it is about.

This book really goes deeper into health and nutrition and it's really what we as members and non-members as well should really take a deeper look at ourselves and if WE are really living the Word of Wisdom as it is written.

I know for me, we do not eat meat a lot, but we do eat it far more then we should as it is laid out in the scriptures.

I had an experience when I was 19 that caused me to look at myself deeper. I cannot remember exactly how it went, but the topic came up that I didn't drink coffee or caffein sodas at that time, and another lady chimed in of how YOU MORMONS don't really live the Word of Wisdom with your WHITE bread, sugar consumption and other ways you eat.

It set me back a bit as I was just out of my parents home where my mother made white bread, meat was at every meal, yet my mother was really good at having a big garden, and canning. This lady was right.

I learned to make whole wheat bread and made it a priority to have a garden and to can and freeze and all those things we do as members. Yet we (my family) have not fixed all the things we need to do better.

The book really kicked my behind and got me to really take a better look at how I feed my family, even though I have been taking a closer look at in the past 2 years with two other books:

I got the top one when I watched a video on YouTube on Healthy Homemade Cold Cereal and it directed me to more videos on the truths about Oil, Raw Milk and many other things pertaining to our current food and the bad health we have especially here in the USA.

I got the bottom book because I was concerned about possible food allergies in myself and my question of the numerous people with food allergies to wheat, milk, eggs and others.

I will tell you, eating better is in deed a big change for me as well as many of us. I am certain that so many of our health problems today can be resolved or at least minimized if we take better care of what we put in our bodies.

This picture below was one a friend shared on FB that is comical and sad at the same time.

I hope that I have given some help to someone to take a better look at yourself, that we can ALL do better at living The Word of Wisdom and receive the promised blessings when we do.

Monday, January 14, 2013


Okay, so we are off to a rough start by not doing our RAW MILK FAST, because both of my suppliers were out.

So off to the next stage. Measurements and the workout.

Bust 47 1/2
Waist 48
Hips 56
Right Arm (upper) 8
Right Thigh 28
Weight 230 lbs.

When I told Charly and Bill that I was going to get up at 6 a.m. to start my workout, Charly piped in saying she wanted to get up to. She wants to be my trainer (my Jillian)

Sunday night I found my work out on YouTube and watched it so I knew what to expect. Finding it on the downstairs TV would be easier then on the computer downstairs. It was a good workout. I AM OUT OF SHAPE.

Before my workout I got my water ready with Slim and Sassy Metabolic Blend in it, and drank a glass of milk.

Last night I also put together my Log book where I will keep track of measurements, workout, and what I eat and drink. I will also use it as a journal when I need to write about my experiences.

I will be purchasing a mat today as the carpet is not enough (it's thin).
This is my adorable trainer, one of the reasons I am doing this. I want to be able to play with, hike with, walk with, run with, and be around for her when she marries and has children and grandchildren.

Monday, January 7, 2013


A sweet friend posted this on FB, and I agree totally, however I am tired of my size.

I have decided I am going to change it. This is how I am going to do it:

On January 12, I will start my Raw Milk Fast, starting with 5 days and not going over 15. (for more info on the Raw Milk Fast go to www.thehealthyhomeeconomist.com, type in Raw Milk Fast in the search blank, and read up)

I will be purchasing my milk from:
Located in Orem Utah. For more info go to www.realfoodsmarket.com

On January 15 2013, I will be signing up for doTerra's Slim and Sassy Lifestyle Competition, for more info go to http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=402315903177297&set=a.285212014887687.67603.199257433483146&type=1

using my doTerra New You Kit. The contest ends on April 30, 2013, however, I will not stop there

I will also be starting my workout program using my exercise ball that I got as a birthday present a few years ago from my parents

and my resistant band set I got a few year's ago with birthday money from my MIL, from

doing the workouts Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at http://liveexercise.com/
On Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday I will be doing Yoga using my Yoga Cards

I leave at 7:00 a.m. for work on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, so I will be asking my sweet husband to kick me out of bed.


My goal weight to loose is 100 pounds. I have no idea how long it will take, we will just take it one day at a time.

I will post regularly with measurements and pics so you can see how I am doing.

I look forward to your support and encouragement.  If anyone would like to join me with there own desire, please feel free.  If you have any questions about anything I am doing and/or using, please feel free to ask.